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Why Only HVAC Professionals Should Service Boilers

Boilers are a fundamental part of a home’s heating system. With the colder months ahead of us, getting your boiler system checked before you really need it should be on your home maintenance checklist. We know you get really busy this time of year, but trust us you don’t want to find out there is an issue with your boiler while you are entertaining for the holidays or on the coldest night of the year! It’s important to have a boiler serviced once a year by an HVAC professional.

You should always have an HVAC professional check your boiler. We do not recommend the DIY route with this one. There are many household maintenance chores you can DIY but only HVAC professionals should service boiler systems because they are properly trained to keep you and your family safe.

An HVAC professional servicing your boiler should be properly licensed. This ensures they have been properly trained to perform the inspection. You may be tempted to DIY or hire an unlicensed worker, however, in this instance, it doesn’t pay to go the more affordable route. A quick, cheap fix often means someone is cutting corners or doesn’t know what they are doing. You cannot afford to risk the safety of your family and loved ones.

A thorough boiler inspection completed by an HVAC professional should take around a half-hour or so. Be sure to consult the written report provided by the HVAC professional. If you are unsure of anything ask them questions. A well trained HVAC professional will be able to address any concerns you may have.

Many HVAC professionals offer service agreements where they will come routinely check your boiler and AC unit to ensure that everything is in proper working order. This is a great way to ensure that this routine maintenance on your home gets done. Before signing up for a service agreement check the warranty on your boiler unit. In addition, some insurance policies cover a breakdown in your boiler. It’s definitely worth looking into.

Just a Few Safety Tips

Aside from having your boiler checked annually, you should make sure you have carbon monoxide detectors installed and that they work properly. You should change the batteries in your carbon monoxide detectors several times a year. If you suspect your boiler or a gas-operated appliance isn’t working correctly have a trained technician inspect the appliance or boiler right away. Be aware of the smell of gas, it should have a sulfur smell or smell like rotten eggs. Gas naturally has no sent, the rotten egg smell is added to alert of any gas leaks. Remember Courtesy Plumbing is always here to help! Contact Courtesy Plumbing today!

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