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Going Eco-friendly in Your Bathroom

Are you in the middle of a bathroom remodel? Or perhaps you just want to install some plumbing fixtures that are more eco-friendly to help conserve water and electricity. Going eco-friendly in your bathroom is good for the environment and good for your pocketbook as well. There are many great options out there when it comes to going eco-friendly in your bathroom.

High-Efficiency Toilets

One major eco-friendly change you can make when going eco-friendly in your bathroom is to switch out older toilets for high-efficiency toilets. High-efficiency toilets or HETs use a fraction of the water older toilets use, which helps you conserve water during this drought. You would be surprised how much money you will save on your water bill by exchanging your older toilet with an HET as the most efficient models only use between half a gallon to a gallon and a half with each flush! HETs usually will have a higher upfront cost, but it’s well worth the investment. You also have a lot of options when looking to go with an HET, some are even self-cleaning! Now that’s a win-win!

On Demand Water Heater

On-demand water heaters or tankless water heaters are an excellent choice when going eco-friendly in your bathroom. They take up less space, are more attractive, and are way more efficient. An on-demand water heater is exactly what it sounds like, they heat water on an as-needed basis instead of keeping a supply of hot water readily available. This saves you money on your monthly operating costs. While on-demand water heaters have a higher up-front cost than their more bulky predecessors, they typically have a longer lifespan and have more repair options as opposed older models that need to be replaced every 10-15 years.

Efficient Faucets and Showerheads

When it comes to going eco-friendly in the bathroom you will want to consider your faucets and showerheads. Exchanging old faucets and showerheads with newer more efficient ones is a simple fix to update a bathroom and will help prevent water waste from leaks. There are so many options out there, some faucets and showerheads even have LED lights! Now that’s fancy!

When it comes to going eco-friendly in the bathroom you have more options than ever now. Many building materials, like counter-tops, cabinets, and flooring also come from recycled products another win for going eco-friendly in your bathroom.

Courtesy Plumbing is always here to help! If you are undergoing a bathroom remodel and are considering one contact us today! Together we can come up with some great options to help you go eco-friendly in your bathroom!

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