Ah spring is in the air, and before you know it will be summer! Routine maintenance is important for your HVAC especially spring HVAC maintenance before heavy usage come Summer. A properly maintained HVAC unit will run more efficiently and will be more dependable when heavy usage starts.
Here are some reasons why you should schedule your Spring HVAC maintenance today.
#1 Get Ahead of the Crowds
When temperatures sore and more and more people are turning on their AC units, those that have not elected to schedule their Spring HVAC maintenance will see a more likelihood of a breakdown. When you see a surge in temperatures HVAC technicians can get pretty busy with repair calls. You don’t want to get stuck in triple digit weather with a broken AC and long wait time for an HVAC technician to answer your call. Get ahead of the crowds and schedule your Spring HVAC maintenance before trouble is brewing. An ounce of prevention is really worth it when it comes to your HVAC maintenance.
#2 Safety
Part of your Spring HVAC maintenance is to check for any leaks or damage to your HVAC unit. Leaks can lead to inefficiencies and also be a safety concern. Your HVAC technician should check the unit and the ducts to make sure everything is intact and in proper working order.
#3 Better Air Quality
Spring is such a pretty time of year with all of the flowers in bloom. Unfortunately for many of us, we have to take the good along with the bad, and that means allergies during springtime. As pollen levels rise so do seasonal allergies for many. Keeping indoors with filtered air is one way to help alleviate some of the symptoms of your seasonal allergies. However, it’s important to make sure that your filters and ducts are clean and free of dust and buildup so that you can breathe in the cleanest air possible inside your home. A thorough cleaning should be part of your Spring HVAC maintenance.
#4 Efficiency
A well-maintained HVAC unit runs more efficiently. Over time dust and buildup can make your HVAC work a lot harder leading to a higher cost to operate. To save money on your utilities we recommend routine Spring HVAC maintenance to keep things running more efficiently.
#5 Longevity
Another reason to perform routine Spring HVAC maintenance is that your HVAC unit will last longer. An HVAC unit that is regularly maintained will last longer than an HVAC unit that isn’t, plus you can avoid more costly repairs. Think of it like the oil changes on your car. If you never change the oil in your car, your car won’t last very long, the engine will probably seize up and you’ll have to buy a new car.
Courtesy Plumbing is always here to help. If you have HVAC maintenance questions or a plumbing repair questions you can contact us here.