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Why Hiring a Qualified Plumber for Slab Leak Repair is Crucial

It’s officially summer, the kids are out of school, and everyone is gearing up for some fun in the sun! Warmer months mean a higher demand for resources like electricity and water as people are running their air conditioning more and doing more outdoor activities like gardening and swimming. It’s always a good idea to find little ways to make your home more efficient especially at peak usage times where rolling blackouts and a severe drought pose a threat. Here are some upgrades that can make your home more efficient to help you do your part and also save a little money.

On Demand Water Heater

On-demand water heaters are way more efficient than traditional tank water heaters. They can help make your home more efficient because they use less electricity to operate. On-demand water heaters only heat water as it is needed, instead of constantly heating water in a storage tank. Some other benefits of on-demand water heaters are they take up less room, they last longer than other types of water heaters, and are easier to fix.

High-Efficiency Toilets

High-efficiency toilets can make your home more efficient because they use way less water than older toilets. Depending on the age of your home your toilets could be using as much as 7 gallons of water or more with each flush. With the average person flushing a toilet 5 times a day on average that works out to 12,775 gallons of water each year. High-efficiency toilets can use anywhere from .5 -1.28 gallons of water with each flush, saving thousands of gallons of water.

Replace Old Faucets and Showerheads

Another upgrade that can make your home more efficient is to replace old faucets and showerheads with more efficient ones. Newer models are designed to use less water without compromising water pressure and can help modernize your space at an affordable cost.

Consider Your Landscaping

Your landscaping could be costing you more than your thought to maintain. Some ways you can make your home more efficient when it comes to your landscaping is to install timers on your sprinkler system or even consider updating your landscaping to more efficient plants that utilize less water. There are a lot of drought-friendly landscaping options out there and can help improve your curb appeal and modernize your home.


Updating your appliances is another great way you can make your home more efficient. Many newer appliances are designed to use less water and electricity. Shop for appliances that have the energy star logo.

Upgrade Windows

Upgrading the windows on your home to double or triple pane can make your home more efficient because newer windows are better insulated which helps prevent cool air from escaping and hot hair from penetrating. This allows your AC to not have to work so hard to cool your home. Upgrading windows also helps keep your home warm and toasty during the winter months and can help improve your curb appeal.

Solar Panels

Solar panels can make your home more efficient by actually producing the energy you consume. Solar panels are considered a green energy alternative because they do not require any fossil fuels and utilize our natural resource, the sun! There are many affordable options available now for homeowners looking to upgrade to solar panels.

A lot of these upgrades will have an instant impact on how efficient your home is. While there is an upfront cost, the energy savings over time will make up for it, plus you could increase the value of your home as these upgrades are highly desirable for home buyers. For more home tips check out our other articles!

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