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Why Hiring a Qualified Plumber for Slab Leak Repair is Crucial

With Memorial Day weekend well underway we hope everyone is enjoying a safe and relaxing weekend! Memorial Day weekend has long been known as the kick-off to the summer season, and it’s just in time! As we start gearing down and getting ready for picnics, beach days, and more outdoor fun, it’s important to think about how our actions affect our water conservation efforts. While we did have some wonderful rain this winter, we are not quite out of the woods as far as the drought goes, so it’s important to try and save water any way we can. Here are some summertime water-saving tips.

Around the house, there are many opportunities to conserve water. From your everyday operations to yard work, and plumbing fixtures. Here are some areas that can really make a difference.


Many water-using appliances can require quite a bit of water, especially older models. It may be time to consider updating some of these appliances to some more efficient ones. Not only can new appliances help save water but they can also save electricity, another important conservation area as rolling blackouts have already been predicted coming the summer months. While there may be an upfront cost to switch to more efficient appliances, the utility saving will be worth it, plus there are many government incentives available for switching to more efficient appliances. If new appliances are not an option then consider having them serviced. Clean appliances that are well maintained last longer and also run more efficiently.

Plumbing Fixtures

When it comes to summertime water-saving performing an audit of your plumbing is always a good idea. Check for any leaks around toilets, faucets, and showerheads. Even a slow drizzle can amount to huge water loss over time. You will also want to check under the sinks and any exposed pipes for leaks. Water leaks are not only bad for water conservation but also for the infrastructure of your home. A great way to conserve water is to update older plumbing fixtures with newer more efficient ones. Many newer toilets, faucets, and showerheads are designed to use way less water, and by updating these plumbing fixtures you can update the look of your space as well.


Summertime is the perfect time to play outdoors, do some yard work, or just relax.

With so much taking place outdoors it’s important to think about summertime water-saving outside as well. If you have a pool keep your pool covered to help prevent evaporation. This is a simple way to conserve water by not having to fill your pool up as often. For yard work switch to using a broom for cleanup instead of using the hose, as an added bonus you’ll get a great arm work out! When it comes to water the yard only water a few days a week. Most cities have set days for watering the yard, check with your local municipality on the water restrictions in your area. Installing timers on your sprinkler system is also a good choice. Set the timer to go off early in the morning or in the evening prevent evaporation and allow for good ground saturation. Check your sprinkler system for any leaks and make the necessary repairs right away. You may also want to consider changing your landscaping to more water-efficient plants. There are a lot of options out there.

Do you have any summertime water saving tips? Please share! To learn more about conserving water and other plumbing-related topics check out some of our other blogs!

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