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Why Hiring a Qualified Plumber for Slab Leak Repair is Crucial

Scary sounds it might mean you have a scary plumbing problem on the rise. Plumbing problems are never fun, and scary sounds coming from your pipes is probably the last thing you want to hear. However, think of it as a blessing in disguise, at least your pipes are alerting you there is a problem. Some plumbing problems can remain hidden until one day they show their true colors and you are faced with a plumbing disaster! Here are some scary sounds your pipes might be making and what they mean.

Banging Pipes

A loud banging sound from your pipes can be quite alarming. This is referred to as water hammer and can be the result of a sudden change in water pressure when a tap is abruptly shut off. This can send a surge of pressure slamming back into the tap or valve. If the pipes are loose enough they can bang into the walls, which can eventually cause more damage and lead to a scary plumbing problem. Water hammer can lead to broken pipes, damaged fittings, and/or damaged appliances. A pressure limiting valve may need to be installed at the main line. Pipes can be sleeved or clipped to prevent them from hitting the walls and studs.

Squealing Pipes

Another scary sound that your pipes might be making comes in the form of a high-pitched squeal. While squealing pipes may not seem as ominous as banging pipes, it is nonetheless alarming. And if left unchecked can cause a scary plumbing problem. Squealing pipes is referred to as caviation. Caviation occurs when water from a large pipe flows into a smaller pipe the difference in circumference results in a squealing sound from the pressure. An adjustment to the pressure valve could alleviate this, however, caviation could also be a result of a bad or worn washer or even a new valve. Ignoring this issue can also result in damage to pipes and fittings.

Screaming Tap

Shrill screaming resounding from the tap is enough to make your skin crawl. This scary sound could simply mean that you need a new washer or the tap stem needs to be lubricated. These are relatively simple and affordable repairs, however, if ignored, they could eventually lead to leaks or more wear down and need to be replaced.

Gurgling Toilet

A gurgling toilet is not just a scary plumbing sound but also could be a scary plumbing situation. While a gurgling toilet could be as simple as replacing a worn-out valve or faulty ballcock, it could also mean there is a backed-up sewer line, a much more serious and scary plumbing problem. A sign a gurgling toilet may be a more serious problem is if the toilet doesn’t rune while it gurgles. Call a professional plumber right away to avoid a really scary plumbing problem.

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