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Why Now Might be a Good Time to Schedule Your Drain Cleaning

The holidays are always a busy time. Everyone is busy shopping, traveling, and entertaining. People tend to forget about mundane things like their plumbing system when there is so much distraction to be had. That is until there is a plumbing disaster over the course of a holiday dinner. Plumbing problems and holidays go hand in hand, in fact, the day after Thanksgiving is one of the busiest days of the year for plumbers. Prevention is the best defense against holiday plumbing problems, and why now might be a good time to schedule your drain cleaning.

Regular Drain Cleaning

Regular drain cleaning greatly decreases the risk of plumbing problems. Over time, plumbing pipes collect a lot of grime. From grease, soap, food particles, hair, you name it, it builds up over time. This can make it difficult for waste to travel through the pipes, eventually leading to clogs and slow drainage. Drains that are cleaned at regular intervals are less likely to act up.

Heavy Holiday Usage

The holidays are notorious for plumbing problems, why you ask? With all the extra entertaining, there are extra guests using the restrooms, and extra cooking going on in the kitchen. If the plumbing system hasn’t been maintained, all of this extra activity could be enough to push things over the edge. If you are going to be entertaining heavily this year, do yourself a favor and have your drains cleaned by a professional beforehand.

Get Ahead of the Crowds

With all the plumbing repair calls that occur during the holidays, it may be a good idea to get your maintenance out of the way. Which is why now might be a good time to schedule your drain cleaning. This can help eliminate plumbing issues and eliminate long wait times.

Preventing plumbing problems is the best line of defense against a major holiday plumbing disaster. You can also prevent clogs and drainage issues by watching what goes down the drain; avoid putting large food particles, fibrous food, and grease down the drain. Also, be sure to always run the garbage disposal with water and run it frequently to avoid overworking it. In addition, if you have existing issues with your plumbing system, be sure to communicate with your guests.

Schedule your drain cleaning in Fullerton, CA today! Or you can click here to see the other areas we serve. 

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