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Staying Up to Date on Your HVAC Maintenance

Springtime marks the time of annual spring cleaning and annual HVAC maintenance. Regular HVAC maintenance is important to keep your system running smoothly! Springtime is the perfect time to perform HVAC maintenance because it is right after heavy winter usage when you have been running the heater, and right before summertime when you switch to running the air conditioning. Here is what you can expect from your HVAC maintenance.

Thorough Inspection 

A thorough inspection is part of regular HVAC maintenance. A professional will give your system a once over. Looking for any potential hazards and things that might raise concerns. This is important to make sure your system is running safely, which includes making sure there are no fire hazards, gas leaks, or any dangerous carbon monoxide risks. The thermostat will be checked as well as the carbon monoxide detectors.

Clean and Replace

During HVAC maintenance, your technician will check all mechanical parts for wear and tear, and make replacements as needed. Over time, natural wear and tear will take its toll on your system, so it is important to make sure all of the mechanical parts are in good condition. In addition, if a replacement isn’t warranted, then the technician will clean and lubricate parts to keep them in good condition.

Change Filter

Another important thing about regular HVAC maintenance is changing the filter. The filters help improve the air quality in your home, keeping it free from dust, dirt, pollen, bacteria, mold, and other allergens. However, over time the more debris these filters trap, the more restricted the airflow to your furnace or AC. Changing your filters at least once a year, preferably twice is best to not only improve air quality but improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your HVAC system.

Springtime is the perfect time of year to have HVAC maintenance done. It is right before you start running your AC all summer long. Identifying problems and giving your AC a tune-up before summer is in full swing, can help you alleviate problems and keep you in the cool all summer long! Plus, taking care of a problem, before it becomes a headache is the best way to prevent problems. Summertime is a busy time of year for AC repair, which means that if your system breaks down during the peak summer months, you may be at the mercy of the technician’s busy schedule! Get ahead of the crowds, and get your HVAC serviced before summertime sets in! Contact Courtesy Plumbing to learn more!

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