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Why Hiring a Qualified Plumber for Slab Leak Repair is Crucial

Southern California has been blessed with amazing weather all year long. With highs in the 60’s-70’s all winter long, it’s hard to believe it is actually winter. However, despite our everlasting warm weather, it is still a good idea to protect your plumbing during the cooler months of the year. Prevent plumbing problems this winter with these Southern California winter plumbing tips.

Flood Prevention – We don’t get a lot of rain here in Southern California. Which can leave many homes susceptible to flooding when it actually does rain. To prevent flooding, clean out gutters and storm drains. Gutters are designed to divert water away from the home, which helps prevent flooding around the home and also foundation issues. Storm drains help the flow of water continue its journey away from the home. If either of these have obstructions, caused by leaves, birds nests, and other debris it can cause flooding.

In addition to cleaning gutters and storm drains, it is also important to make sure your sump pump is working. If you have a basement, which not many people do in California, but if you do, you will want to make sure it is working properly. Pour some water into the crock to ensure activation. Also, check the drain and make sure it is free from any clogs.

Seal Your Home – While the temperatures don’t get that low during winter, it is still a good idea to make sure your home is properly sealed before winter. Make sure all entry points are closed off. Check attics and crawl spaces for proper insulation. Check the caulking around windows and doors. This helps prevent cooler air from reaching your plumbing pipes and also helps maintain the temperature in your home. This allows your furnace to run more efficiently saving you money in operating costs.  

Water Heater Maintenance – Water heater maintenance is an important thing to stay on top of. Especially around the holidays, where you may have visiting guests. Both tank storage and tankless water heaters require annual maintenance, which entails draining and flushing. This may need to be done several times a year depending on the amount of sediment in your water. The heating mechanisms will also need to be checked. Avoid running out of hot water this winter, and have your water heater serviced by a professional.

Drain Cleaning – We are big advocates of regular drain cleaning. It helps keep things moving. In the rainier months, it is a good idea to help prevent clogs. In addition, during the winter months, with all of the extra holiday entertaining, it helps take the added pressure off of your plumbing system.

Plumbing Insulation – Plumbing insulation is a Southern California winter plumbing tip that often gets overlooked. Like we said the weather is pretty amazing here in Southern California, however, that doesn’t mean that temperatures never get below freezing. If you live near the baseline you could see freezing temperatures. Likewise, near the coast, there could always be a fluke. It is best to prepare your plumbing for freezing temperatures with pipe insulation. This way your plumbing isn’t left vulnerable. Water heater insulation is also a good idea. Insulation helps your plumbing work more efficiently, and also helps prevent freezing, which can cause a lot of damage and be a costly plumbing repair.

It is important to protect your home during the winter. It is also important to protect vacation homes, investment properties, and vacant buildings. If you have a property that isn’t occupied, make sure you take the proper precautions to protect the plumbing during winter. Vacant properties are more susceptible to winter plumbing problems, and unfortunately, these problems often go undetected. Which only makes matters worse.

For more Southern California winter plumbing tips, or to schedule a repair contact Courtesy Plumbing today!

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