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Why Hiring a Qualified Plumber for Slab Leak Repair is Crucial

Did you know that many plumbing problems can be prevented? Unfortunately, many people are unaware that their actions are causing more harm than good. We would like to change that by sharing some plumbing tips that everyone should know. These tips are good for preventing plumbing problems and also dealing with plumbing issues as they arise.

Know Where Your Shut Off Valves Are

One of the first things you will want to do in the event of a plumbing emergency is shut the water off. So knowing where your water shut off valves are before there is an issue is paramount. For localized plumbing situations, you will need to be able to locate the individual water supply. This can be located under the sink, behind the toilet, or behind a water-using appliance like the washing machine. If the issue isn’t localized, and you need to turn the main water supply off, there are several possibilities. It will more than likely be outside either along the foundation of your home or in the ground in the yard. If you are unsure contact your local water municipality. 

Have the Right Plunger on Hand

There are several different types of plungers made for different types of drains. A cup plunger is shaped like a cup and designed for flat drains like sinks and tubs. A flange plumbing is shaped like a cup with a lip at the end. This is designed to get better suction in toilet drains. Knowing the difference is crucial because, in order for a plunger to do its job, there has to be good suction. We suggest have both kinds on hand, one for sink drains and one for toilet drains. This is just an all-around good practice to not only ensure you have the right plunger for the job, but also for sanitation purposes.

Know Where Your Pipes are Before Your Drill

This happens all too often. A weekend warrior is attempting to make a dent in their honey-do list. They are drilling and nailing, getting stuff done when they hit a pipe. A leak behind a wall or under the floor can cause a lot of damage, and lead to expensive repairs. So before you get your hammer out, make sure you locate your pipes beforehand. A nice stud finder works well for this.

Don’t Ignore Leaks

If you do manage to nick a pipe during a home improvement project, don’t ignore it. This goes for any plumbing leak. If left alone, it can fester and cause all kinds of problems including water waste, water damage, and mold. All are costly problems that can be alleviated by attending to leaks right away.

Don’t Over Tighten

When making simple plumbing repairs, avoid the urge to over tighten. Fittings and connections that are over-tightened can lead to stripping and damage to your plumbing fixtures. While you don’t want to leave your fittings loose, you don’t want them stripped either. 

Taking the right precautions when it comes to your plumbing can prevent unnecessary plumbing problems. Protect your loved ones and your pocketbook with these plumbing tips. To learn more or to schedule your service contact Courtesy Plumbing today!

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