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Why Hiring a Qualified Plumber for Slab Leak Repair is Crucial

When it comes to water heater safety, being proactive is essential. A water heater malfunction can result in severe consequences, including burns, scalds, and even fires. This blog post discusses the top 5 water heater safety tips to prevent hazards and ensure peace of mind. Following these tips can protect your family and your home from potential dangers.

Install a Temperature and Pressure Relief (T&P) Valve

The U.S. Department of Energy recommends installing a temperature and pressure relief (T&P) valve on your water heater. This device releases excess pressure and prevents the tank from overheating. If the water temperature becomes too high or the pressure builds up, the T&P valve will open, releasing water and reducing the risk of a dangerous explosion. Test the valve annually and replace it if it’s not working correctly.

Set the Right Temperature

Setting the right temperature on your water heater is crucial for safety and energy efficiency. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the ideal temperature for most households is 120°F (49°C). This temperature reduces the risk of scalding and helps save energy. To adjust the temperature, locate the thermostat on your water heater and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Consult a professional plumber for assistance if you’re unsure about the process.

Keep the Area Around Your Water Heater Clear

Maintaining a clean and clutter-free area around your water heater is essential. Combustible materials like paper, rags, and paint cans should be stored at least 18 inches from the unit. This safety measure can help prevent fires and ensure proper airflow around the water heater. Additionally, provide enough space for a technician to access the team for maintenance and repairs.

Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector

Gas-powered water heaters can produce deadly odorless and colorless carbon monoxide. Installing a carbon monoxide detector near your water heater can alert you to dangerous levels of this gas in your home. The National Fire Protection Association recommends installing a carbon monoxide detector on every level of your home and outside each sleeping area. Make sure to test the detectors regularly and replace the batteries as needed.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring the safety and efficiency of your water heater. A professional plumber can inspect the unit for potential hazards, such as leaks, corrosion, and faulty components. They can also perform essential tasks like flushing the tank to remove sediment buildup and testing the T&P valve for proper function. It’s recommended to schedule a water heater maintenance service at least once a year.

Contact Courtesy Plumbing today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services!

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