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Why is my faucet dripping?

Is the constant dripping sound of your faucet keeping you up at night? Courtesy Plumbers is here to help you understand why your faucet is dripping and how to fix it. Dripping faucets are not just a nuisance; they can also lead to water wastage and increased utility bills. There are several reasons why your… Continue reading Why is my faucet dripping?

Why is my toilet running?

Is your toilet running, and you don’t know why? Courtesy Plumbing in West Covina is here to help you solve this common household problem. With years of experience and expertise in plumbing, our team can guide you in identifying and fixing the issue with your toilet. A running toilet can lead to wasted water and… Continue reading Why is my toilet running?

How To Use a Drain Snake For Plumbing

Plumbing issues can be frustrating and disruptive, especially when they involve clogged drains. If you’ve tried using a plunger and chemicals but still can’t get your drain flowing correctly, it may be time to try using a drain snake. This handy tool is designed to break up and remove blockages from your pipes, restoring your… Continue reading How To Use a Drain Snake For Plumbing

The Most Common Plumbing Emergencies + How to Fix Them

Plumbing emergencies can be stressful and overwhelming, but they don’t have to be. With the right knowledge and tools, you can handle most plumbing emergencies on your own. In this article, we will discuss the most common plumbing emergencies and how to fix them. Courtesy Plumbing Covina CA has provided their expertise to help you… Continue reading The Most Common Plumbing Emergencies + How to Fix Them

3 Signs You Need Hydro Jetting Services

Are you experiencing clogged drains or slow water flow in your home or business? If so, it may be time to consider hydro jetting services from Courtesy Plumbing. Hydro jetting is a highly effective method of cleaning out pipes and removing stubborn blockages. But how do you know if you need this service? In this… Continue reading 3 Signs You Need Hydro Jetting Services

How to Prevent Mold and Mildew in Your Bathroom

Preventing Bathroom Mold One of the biggest enemies of a clean bathroom is mold. Mildew, another fungus, is a cousin of mold and can usually be treated in the same way. But instead of focusing on treatment, we’ll primarily be talking about prevention. There are a lot of techniques to keep mold out of your… Continue reading How to Prevent Mold and Mildew in Your Bathroom

Types of Pipes: The Most Common Plumbing Pipes You’ll Find in Homes Today

Pipes of all types have been around for millennia, having been used even in ancient times to transport away waste. Plumbing has certainly come a long way since then. Pipe materials have advanced in recent years to be more durable and easier to work with. Today, there are five types of pipes used in most… Continue reading Types of Pipes: The Most Common Plumbing Pipes You’ll Find in Homes Today

Benefits of Installing a Water Filtration System

Did you know that nearly 85 percent of the nation’s homes have hard water flowing through its pipes? The state of California has especially hard water and is ranked highly in the nation in terms of water hardness. Water hardness is measured in terms of parts per million, and the average water hardness in California… Continue reading Benefits of Installing a Water Filtration System

5 Warning Signs of a Clogged Drain

Causes of Clogged Drains A clogged drain is a common plumbing problem that can be caused by a variety of reasons. Drains are meant to remove wastewater, not trash, hair, leftovers, and the like. Over time a grimy buildup made of soap scum and bacteria collects in your plumbing. Once it starts collecting other debris like… Continue reading 5 Warning Signs of a Clogged Drain

Simple Plumbing Tips That Can Make Home Improvement Projects a Breeze

When it comes to doing home improvement projects, we always advocate for the hiring of professionals. However, determined DIYers may feel the urge to put on that weekend tool belt and down to the nitty-gritty. Some plumbing projects are perfectly suitable for experienced weekend handymen, while others are better left to the pros. Here are… Continue reading Simple Plumbing Tips That Can Make Home Improvement Projects a Breeze

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