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What You Need to Know Before Buying a Tankless Water Heater

Tankless water heaters have been available in the U.S. since the 1990s, yet misinformation about the appliances persists. Most people understand that a tankless water heater is more efficient than a conventional tank heater. Beyond that, confusion abounds. Let’s set the record straight. Here’s what you need to know about tankless water heaters. 3 Common… Continue reading What You Need to Know Before Buying a Tankless Water Heater

Southern California Winter Plumbing Tips

Southern California has been blessed with amazing weather all year long. With highs in the 60’s-70’s all winter long, it’s hard to believe it is actually winter. However, despite our everlasting warm weather, it is still a good idea to protect your plumbing during the cooler months of the year. Prevent plumbing problems this winter… Continue reading Southern California Winter Plumbing Tips

What You Should Know About Gas Leaks

Gas-powered appliances and furnaces are common in many homes across the country. Many people prefer gas appliances and furnaces over electric appliances and furnaces because they tend to be a little more cost-effective to operate. Gas is clean, dependable, and affordable, however owning a gas appliance or furnace does come with a whole other set… Continue reading What You Should Know About Gas Leaks

Preparing Your Home for Heavy Rain

With winter already underway, the rainier months are just ahead of us. While rain is good to help alleviate the historical drought we have been suffering from, it can also cause damage to your home if you aren’t prepared for it. With meteorologists predicting heavier than usual rainfall this winter it is best to prepare… Continue reading Preparing Your Home for Heavy Rain

Water Heater Maintenance – Prolong the Life of Your Water Heater

Water heater maintenance often goes unchecked. But did you know that water heaters that are well maintained actually last longer? The last thing you want is to be caught off guard with a broken water heater! Preventative water heater maintenance is the best way to avoid untimely replacement, which can be costly, not to mention… Continue reading Water Heater Maintenance – Prolong the Life of Your Water Heater

Pros and Cons of the Four Types of Flush Systems

Find Out More About the Different Types of Toilet Flush Systems Toilets provide an invaluable service in the home, one that often goes unnoticed until something goes awry. The flushing of a toilet accounts for a huge portion of water usage within a household. Before the environment protection act was passed in 1994, many toilets… Continue reading Pros and Cons of the Four Types of Flush Systems

Common Water Myths: Fact or Fiction?

There are a lot of water myths surrounding household plumbing. Old wives tales and random tidbits of information that over the years has become common knowledge so you though! Most of these water myths originated with some form of truth, but its kind of like a game of telephone that has been played for decades. Here… Continue reading Common Water Myths: Fact or Fiction?

Preparing Your Home for Colder Weather

Here in Southern California we are particularly lucky in terms of weather. On average we enjoy a tepid temperature of 70 degrees all year long. With the upcoming El Niño this winter we could be in store for less than normal drops in temperature. So far this year we have already enjoyed a little more rainfall than… Continue reading Preparing Your Home for Colder Weather

Orangeburg Pipes

Unfortunately, many homes made before the 1970s were built with something known as Orangeburg Pipe (aka Bermico or “fiber conduit”). This is a sewer and drains pipe that is made from a kind of tar paper called “bituminized fiber.” Orangeburg Pipe paper collapses over time and it allows tree roots to grow into it. Orangeburg… Continue reading Orangeburg Pipes

ECO Plumbing Tips to Run Your Home More Efficient

Staying up to date with the latest and greatest in plumbing trends is not only a great way to make your space more modern but also help you run your home more efficiently. Over the last decade, there has been a huge shift to more environmentally efficient products. Today’s consumers are more concerned about the… Continue reading ECO Plumbing Tips to Run Your Home More Efficient

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