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Reliable Repiping Solutions in Covina

Understanding the Need for Repiping in Covina Assessing the Lifespan of Your Pipes In Covina, the water supply can be hard on pipes, leading to wear and tear that surpasses the typical lifespan of plumbing. Courtesy Plumbing, with its deep understanding of local water conditions and expertise in pipe longevity, offers an initial assessment to… Continue reading Reliable Repiping Solutions in Covina

Covina’s Expert Drain Cleaning Services

Why Choose Covina’s Professional Drain Cleaning When it comes to maintaining your home or business’s plumbing system, the importance of professional drain cleaning cannot be overstated. Covina residents have the unique advantage of accessing top-notch services from Courtesy Plumbing, a trusted name in the plumbing industry with years of experience and a commitment to excellence.… Continue reading Covina’s Expert Drain Cleaning Services

What Causes Plumbing Leaks in a Concrete Slab?

It’s a pipe embedded within concrete. What could possibly go wrong? As it turns out, a lot of things can happen within the waterline and slab foundation that result in leaks. Slab leaks can go undetected for a long time, wasting untold amounts of water and causing significant damage. Here Are the Most Common Causes of… Continue reading What Causes Plumbing Leaks in a Concrete Slab?

Helpful Holiday Plumbing Tips

Toilet plunger in a bathroom , restroom, or washroom

It’s time to stuff the turkey, hang the mistletoe, and perhaps introduce your bathroom to more guests than it’s seen all year. While you enjoy the festivities and spend time with your loved ones, don’t let your plumbing slip too far out of mind. Seemingly innocent holiday behaviors can lead to plumbing mishaps that cost… Continue reading Helpful Holiday Plumbing Tips

Surviving the Holidays – Plumbing Tips

The holidays are a wonderful time of year. With all the entertaining that goes on during the holiday season, a lot of extra pressure is placed on your plumbing system. It goes without saying, that the holiday season is a busy time of year for plumbers. Many plumbing problems are preventable, so if you are planning… Continue reading Surviving the Holidays – Plumbing Tips

The After Thanksgiving Clogged Drain Hangover

The days after Thanksgiving can sometimes be a blur. With many still having family in town, and others getting a head start on their Christmas shopping, the status of their drains may be the furthest thing from their mind, that is until there is an issue. Clogged drains are one of the most common plumbing problems, and… Continue reading The After Thanksgiving Clogged Drain Hangover

Garbage Disposal Woes – Plumbing Tips for the Holiday!

One of the biggest holidays of the year is coming up, Thanksgiving! When thinking about Thanksgiving we are greeted with images of roasted turkeys, mile high mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, pumpkin pie…. It’s the biggest feast of the year, which often entails endless hours in the kitchen. Which means it is no coincidence… Continue reading Garbage Disposal Woes – Plumbing Tips for the Holiday!

Why Now Might be a Good Time to Schedule Your Drain Cleaning

The holidays are always a busy time. Everyone is busy shopping, traveling, and entertaining. People tend to forget about mundane things like their plumbing system when there is so much distraction to be had. That is until there is a plumbing disaster over the course of a holiday dinner. Plumbing problems and holidays go hand… Continue reading Why Now Might be a Good Time to Schedule Your Drain Cleaning

A Drain Cleaning Nightmare – After Holiday Drain Cleaning Tips

Holidays bring a lot of cheer and good times. Along with all of the extra entertaining comes added pressure on your drains, leaving some homeowners with an unpleasant Holiday calling card. All of that extra cooking and extra house guests can amount to a plumbing nightmare for your drains. Fortunately, we have drain cleaning tips… Continue reading A Drain Cleaning Nightmare – After Holiday Drain Cleaning Tips

Protect Your Home From Water Damage While Out of Town for The Holidays

It’s official: the Holiday season is upon us! The Holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year. With shopping to be done, gifts to wrap, and feasts to prepare there is a lot to do. Now add going out of town and that can make for a little chaos. When going out… Continue reading Protect Your Home From Water Damage While Out of Town for The Holidays

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