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Water Heater Safety Tips: Preventing Hazards and Ensuring Peace of Mind

When it comes to water heater safety, being proactive is essential. A water heater malfunction can result in severe consequences, including burns, scalds, and even fires. This blog post discusses the top 5 water heater safety tips to prevent hazards and ensure peace of mind. Following these tips can protect your family and your home… Continue reading Water Heater Safety Tips: Preventing Hazards and Ensuring Peace of Mind

The Dangers of Undetected Leaks: Protecting Your Home and Health

Water leaks can cause significant damage to your home and pose serious health risks if left undetected. Hidden leaks can lead to structural damage, mold growth, and increased water bills, making it essential for homeowners to be proactive in identifying and repairing them. This blog post will discuss the dangers of undetected leaks, how to… Continue reading The Dangers of Undetected Leaks: Protecting Your Home and Health

What is a Slab Leak and Why Are They a Problem?

What is a Slab Leak? A common plumbing problem is a slab leak. You hear the term thrown around here and there, but you never really paid it any mind until boom — walking over pooled water on your floor. A slab leak is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: it’s a leak in… Continue reading What is a Slab Leak and Why Are They a Problem?

4 Products to Prevent Plumbing Problems

Preventing plumbing problems before they occur can save you precious time and money. And doing this is easy when you have the right accessories installed in your home’s plumbing system. Here are four such products that will make your plumbing function better. 1. Water Hammer Arrestors If you hear loud bangs and similar noises in… Continue reading 4 Products to Prevent Plumbing Problems

Homeowners Guide To Asbestos and Plumbing

Asbestos is a nasty substance that was widely used in many construction materials prior to the 1970s. Revered for its fire resistance properties it was used in everything from flooring, walls, insulation, roofing materials, and more. If you own a home that was built prior to the 1970s, there is a good chance that asbestos… Continue reading Homeowners Guide To Asbestos and Plumbing

My Plumber Found Asbestos – What’s Next?

When it comes to home repair and home renovation projects, there are a lot of unforeseen things that can happen. Anytime repairs involve any sort of demolition, you run the risk of finding other hidden problems. Unfortunately, many of these hidden problems come with health hazards and an additional price tag. Asbestos is one of those problems,… Continue reading My Plumber Found Asbestos – What’s Next?

How to Reduce the Stress You Put on Your Plumbing Pipes

Your plumbing pipes see their share of wear and tear over the years. Naturally, as your plumbing pipes age, they become more susceptible to leaks and bursts which can cause a lot of damage and be expensive to repair. To prevent unnecessary leaks, it is important to reduce the amount of stress you put on… Continue reading How to Reduce the Stress You Put on Your Plumbing Pipes

The Benefits of Video Pipe Inspection

Plumbing technology has come a long way over the last decade or so. With advances in plumbing technology, many plumbing repairs have not only gotten easier, but less invasive and therefore less expensive. Every homeowner wants to save a little money on household repairs, which often leads to corner-cutting, and DIY attempts that often go… Continue reading The Benefits of Video Pipe Inspection

Check the Plumbing Before You Buy

When it comes to purchasing a new home, having a home inspection is a must. However, when it comes to a home’s plumbing there are some things you can check for yourself. Purchasing real estate is a big investment, one that often comes with hidden expenses. Many new home buyers find themselves calling a plumber… Continue reading Check the Plumbing Before You Buy

All About Trenchless Pipe Repair

One of the more expensive home repairs is pipe replacement. Over the decades, the materials used to make plumbing pipes have changed a lot. From iron, galvanized steel, and plastic. In an older home with original plumbing, there is a good chance that the plumbing is nearing the end of its lifespan. While proper maintenance… Continue reading All About Trenchless Pipe Repair

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