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Own a Restaurant? Then You Need a Good Plumber

When you own a restaurant there are a lot of things that go into managing and maintaining your restaurant. Aside from great food and great service, you also want to make sure that the atmosphere is fun and the grounds are clean, in good working order, and free from wear and tear. With so much… Continue reading Own a Restaurant? Then You Need a Good Plumber

Plumbing Maintenance Tips

Owning a home is a big responsibility. There are many intricate systems that make a home safe, comfortable, and livable. Each system requires its own set of routine maintenance. One of the most important systems in the home is the plumbing system. Plumbing maintenance is really important to make sure the plumbing system continues to… Continue reading Plumbing Maintenance Tips

Reasons Your Drains Smell Bad and What You Can Do About It

There are several common reasons your drains smell bad. Drains serve a vital role in the function of a plumbing fixture. Drains allow dirty wastewater to be disposed of. That being said drains see a lot of action. It’s important to make sure proper plumbing maintenance is performed in order to keep drains working correctly.… Continue reading Reasons Your Drains Smell Bad and What You Can Do About It

Heating Systems That are Well Maintained Help Curb Heating Costs

A homes heating system is another integral system of the home. Right now as temperatures rise, your heating system may be the farthest thing from your mind, but come winter as temperatures drop you will be thankful that your heating system is working. A well-maintained heating system is not only good because it’s reliable, but it also… Continue reading Heating Systems That are Well Maintained Help Curb Heating Costs

10 Things that Ruin a Plumbing System

A home’s plumbing system is one of the most integral systems in the home. It’s important that the plumbing system remains in proper working order to protect the health and safety of the home’s inhabitants. Some plumbing systems break down from normal wear and tear, however, a lot of plumbing disasters can be prevented. Here are 10… Continue reading 10 Things that Ruin a Plumbing System

Tips for Lowering Your Water Bill

Conserving water is good for the environment, especially since California is in a severe drought. In addition to conserving our precious resource, conserving water is also good for lowering your water bill, especially this time of year when temperatures rise. Here are some tips for lowering your water bill. Lowering your water bill is not just about… Continue reading Tips for Lowering Your Water Bill

Should I Get a Plumbing Inspection Before Buying a Home?

The question should I get a plumbing inspection before buying a home is a common question. The process of purchasing a new home can be a little daunting. There is so much that goes into it. From getting your pre-qualification to the actual home hunting. Then there is the escrow process, the appraisal, and after… Continue reading Should I Get a Plumbing Inspection Before Buying a Home?

Hiring a Professional Plumber is a Better Choice Than DIY

When it comes to making plumbing repairs to the home, some homeowners are tempted to go the DIY route. We understand that hiring a professional plumber can be a costly endeavor sometimes, but unless you are well qualified to make those plumbing repairs, which most homeowners aren’t, then hiring a professional plumber is a better… Continue reading Hiring a Professional Plumber is a Better Choice Than DIY

4 Misconceptions About Drain Cleaning

A homes plumbing system is one of the most integral systems in the home. Nobody really gives their plumbing system much thought when everything is in proper working order, then one day a clogged drain can go and ruin it all! The truth is a clogged drain can cause a lot more damage down the… Continue reading 4 Misconceptions About Drain Cleaning

Tips to Conserve Water – Our State Needs Your Help!

California has been in a severe drought for a while now. Every day we hear about how dire our situation is here in the golden state. Conserving water should not just be a necessity we do during drought, but a lifestyle. Just small changes to our everyday life can make a huge difference to conserve… Continue reading Tips to Conserve Water – Our State Needs Your Help!

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