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5 Reasons to Schedule Your Spring HVAC Maintenance Today

Ah spring is in the air, and before you know it will be summer! Routine maintenance is important for your HVAC especially spring HVAC maintenance before heavy usage come Summer. A properly maintained HVAC unit will run more efficiently and will be more dependable when heavy usage starts. Here are some reasons why you should schedule your… Continue reading 5 Reasons to Schedule Your Spring HVAC Maintenance Today

The Benefits of Having a Whole Home Water Filtration System

Good clean drinking water is important for one’s health. Did you know that there are other benefits to having a whole home water filtration system like Pelican installed? Aside from great tasting drinking water, a whole home water filtration system has an impact on other areas that you probably haven’t given much thought about. Here… Continue reading The Benefits of Having a Whole Home Water Filtration System

Plumbing Upgrades That Can Add Value to Your Home

After spending some time in a home, homeowners often become accustomed to some of the plumbing quirks and may exist. When it comes time to sell a home these plumbing defects can come front and center and actually affect the price of your home. Here are some plumbing upgrades that can add value to your home.… Continue reading Plumbing Upgrades That Can Add Value to Your Home

Prevent Water Waste by Updating Older Toilets

Some of the most common and undetected water waste in a home comes from the toilet. Sometimes we get used to the constant running of an older toilet, or we simply are unaware that older models require a lot more water to flush. If you are looking for some savings on your water bill or just want… Continue reading Prevent Water Waste by Updating Older Toilets

Hosting a Party for Super Bowl? Here are Some Plumbing Tips to Help Keep Things Flowing

Get-togethers are always fun, be it the holidays, or Super Bowl Sunday any excuse is a good excuse to host a party. As the party host, you may find that entertaining puts a little extra stress on your plumbing system. The extra use of preparing all the goodies in the kitchen to the extra traffic in… Continue reading Hosting a Party for Super Bowl? Here are Some Plumbing Tips to Help Keep Things Flowing

Keep Your Garbage Disposal Running Strong with These Tips

Your garbage disposal has a tough job, its main focus is to shred food particles into micro pieces that can pass safely through a homes plumbing system. When used correctly, a garbage disposal can help prevent clogs and damage to a plumbing system. However often times garbage disposals are mistreated and not used correctly. One general misconception,… Continue reading Keep Your Garbage Disposal Running Strong with These Tips

Heavy Rains are Coming Here are 5 Things You Can Do to Prepare for El Niño

A lot of rainfall is projected this rainy season in Southern California. In a state that rarely sees this much rainfall, and a state that just until a few months ago was suffering from a historic drought, we don’t really have the water infrastructure to accommodate the extra rainwater that we will be getting this… Continue reading Heavy Rains are Coming Here are 5 Things You Can Do to Prepare for El Niño

Common Water Myths: Fact or Fiction?

There are a lot of water myths surrounding household plumbing. Old wives tales and random tidbits of information that over the years has become common knowledge so you though! Most of these water myths originated with some form of truth, but its kind of like a game of telephone that has been played for decades. Here… Continue reading Common Water Myths: Fact or Fiction?

Preparing Your Home for Colder Weather

Here in Southern California we are particularly lucky in terms of weather. On average we enjoy a tepid temperature of 70 degrees all year long. With the upcoming El Niño this winter we could be in store for less than normal drops in temperature. So far this year we have already enjoyed a little more rainfall than… Continue reading Preparing Your Home for Colder Weather

Orangeburg Pipes

Unfortunately, many homes made before the 1970s were built with something known as Orangeburg Pipe (aka Bermico or “fiber conduit”). This is a sewer and drains pipe that is made from a kind of tar paper called “bituminized fiber.” Orangeburg Pipe paper collapses over time and it allows tree roots to grow into it. Orangeburg… Continue reading Orangeburg Pipes

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